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The Flooring Store Growth Podcast Project

We're working on a podcast to help independent flooring store salespeople, managers and owners grow their take home pay.
It's pretty simple. We believe there isn't enough time for any one salesperson, manager or owner to absorb all of the information available to get better at their jobs. So we're trying to make it easier.
We believe that if 150 people each share 5 to 15 minutes of something that helps them do their job better, we can use that information to make a short podcast that will make everyone better at what they do, and help everyone make more money.
Even when the economy is tough, there are going to be people buying flooring. We believe that the stores and personnel who do their jobs the best will make the most money, even in a down economy. We're here to help you be that store, that salesperson, that manager, that owner, or any combination of those roles.
Why are we doing this? It helps us too! We're a growth agency with more than 8 years of experience helping flooring stores spend less on marketing, get more leads and get more business. We believe that the more we help independent flooring store owners, managers, and salespeople, the more business we will get and the more all of our business will grow.
We are firm believers in the advice of the great Zig Ziglar, "You can have everything you want, if you'll just help enough other people get what they want".
I hope you'll contribute out our podcast. I know that if a friend or child of someone you know was entering this profession, you'd have information or advice to share. We hope you'll share at least a portion of that with others in this industry. We firmly believe that independently owned flooring stores can offer a level of service and value that big box retailers cannot. This is one of the ways we're helping independents make that service and value even greater and help all of us be as strong as we can be.
Wishing you great success,
Adam Singer

How does this work?

After you fill out the form, we'll send you an email with a link to our recording software. Whenever you have 10 or 15 minutes free, take your phone (or computer) to a quiet place, click the link and follow the instructions there to record yourself answering the two interview questions:
  • What advice or information would you share with someone who was about to start your job tomorrow?
  • What advice or information would you share with yourself a year or more ago that would have helped you make more money in this business earlier?
 Take as much time as you like, but we may cut down your talk to between 5 and 15 minutes.